The conference is designed to have Three Paper Tracks as well as an exhibition. Call for Papers & Call for Exhibitors now open.

Track 1 - Applied Papers : Applied Papers from all conference topics are invited for submission.

Track 2 - Case Studies Track: Case Studies that are documented with successful implementations, or documented cases yet to be resolved are invited for submission.

Track 3 - Technology Track: Papers on emerging technologies and/or applications of current technologies are invited for submission.

Conference proceedings shall be internationally indexed by the Vibration Institute.

For inquiries and support, please contact:

Testimonials of Attendees of the First Vibration Institute Middle East Conference 2018

"I am happy to have attended this conference, it was a great conference and I it greatly benefited me. Of course I hope I can attend the next conference. It was definitely a good opportunity to network with different people from different industries, to exchange experiences. And of coarse I thank the organizers of the conference for their effort."

Mohamed Abu Bakr - Ezz Steel

"Very interesting conference from the point of view of the presentations, very nice and interesting on the technical level and the attitude of the conference had a very good participation with the speakers, I wish this conference will be repeated again."

Paolo Pennachi - Professor of Applied Mechanics at Politecnico di Milano, Italy.

"I am very pleased to attend this conference, I found this conference useful for both the academic and practicioners in the industry. It applies both the academic track and the practical track for the case studies and papers presented in this conference."

Jaafar Alsalaet - AJR Technology LTD, Basra, Iraq.

"It was my pleasure to attend this conference and exhibition, it was really nicxe to have the First Vibration Institute Middle East Conference here in Egypt. A very successful conference, and I hope the next edition will be the same."

Ahmed Moataz - UE Systems

"A very useful conference for all PdM Engineers."

Ahmed Hassan - Bibliotecha Alexandria

"A great conference with amazing sessions, technical and well organized. It was very beneficial to attend an event like this."

Mohamed Hafiz - Methanex

"I would like to share my pleasure and honor to attend the first Vibration Institute Conference (held outside the US), it was very valuable to me and I hope to attend the second edition."

Amir Bassiouny - EPROM

Conference Registration

  Second Vibration Institute Middle East 2020 Conference Pricing*
  Early Bird** Regular*** Late****
Full Conference $ 700 $ 800 $ 900
Speaker $ 350 $ 400 $ 450
Student $ 350 $ 400 $ 450

* There is a 14% VAT to be added to the above prices.
** Early-Bird registration will be closed August 15th 2020.
*** Regular registration is from August 15th 2020 until October 15th 2020.
**** Late registration is from October 16th 2020.

Please be mindful of entry-visa restrictions before you register for the conference. Visit Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs E-Visa Page Here.

For inquiries and support, please contact:

   Exhibition & Sponsors

Want to showcase your Condition Monitoring products amongst the leading vendors and service providers?

With more than 20 Exhibition Spaces available, Conference attendees will be able to explore first-hand the latest in Condition Monitoring Technology from various vendors. Opportunities to network during the Conference, Breaks, and Luncheons promise to be a great experience for Conference Attendees and Exhibitors alike.

Want special recogonition for your product or service?

Explore the Conference Sponsoring options available and the added benefits of becoming a Silver or Gold Conference Sponsor.

Exhibition Layout

Exibition layout

Exhibition & Sponsoring Opportunities
Exhibitor: $2500 Silver Sponsor: $6000 Gold Sponsor: $15000
One Booth - 3m X 3m with table and power supply Full Conference One Booth - 3m X 3m with table and power supply One Booth - 3m X 3m with table and power supply
Two free full conference attendees Five free full conference attendees Eight free full conference attendees
Logo on conference website Logo and link on conference website Logo and link on conference website
Listing in on-site conference guide ½ page advertisement in on-site guide Full page advertisement in on-site guide
Receive list and emails of conference attendees Reception (cocktail) sponsorship Lunch Sponsor
Free banner in cocktail hall Speech to Lunch attendees
Short speech to cocktail attendees Free banner placement
Listing in on-site conference guide Listing in on-site conference guide
Receive list and emails of conference attendees Receive list and emails of conference attendees
Please add 14% VAT to the above prices. For inquiries and support, please contact:

Call for Papers

The conference is planned to serve the Middle East and is designed in three paper tracks as well as an exhibition.

Call For Papers is Now Open! Deadline for Abstract Submission is July 15, 2020. Deadline for Paper Submission is September 15, 2020. View Paper Submission Guidelines below, and Paper Management Portal link below.

Track 1 - Applied Papers : Applied Papers from all conference topics are invited for submission.

Track 2 - Case Studies Track: Case Studies that are documented with successful implementations, or documented cases yet to be resolved are invited for submission.

Track 3 - Technology Track: Papers on emerging technologies and/or applications of current technologies are invited for submission.

Conference Topics:

Vibration Analysis

Vibration Measurement

Vibration Techniques and Methodology

Condition Monitoring

Machine Diagnostics

Asset Management

Standards for Vibration and Condition Monitoring

Balancing of Machines



Steam Turbine Analysis

Generator Analysis

Pump Analysis

Compressor Analysis

Piping Vibration Analysis

Gas Turbine Analysis

Fan and Blower Analysis

Gearbox Analysis

Electric Motor Analysis

Wind Turbine Analysis


Lubrication & Oil Analysis

Operational Deflection Shape Analysis

Modal Testing

Bearings: Rolling Elements

Bearings: Fluid Films

Bearings: Magnetic

2018 Conference Highlights

The First Vibration Institute Middle East Conference (VIMECONF) held in Sharm El-Sheikh Egypt in March 2018 was a great success.

The VIMECONF18 received 120+ attendees from 5 continents. The conference program, which included 30 Technical Presentations and Case Studies covering a wide range of Condition Monitoring Technologies, advanced analysis techniques, as well as, practical and theoretical aspects of important concepts in the Condition Monitoring field, was of great benefit to those that attended.

Supplementing the Technical Agenda was a State-of-the-Art Exhibition which included 18 of the leading vendors of condition monitoring technologies world-wide. This allowed attendees to discover the latest trends in technology hardware and software.

Download First Vibration Institute Middle East Conference Program.

  • 30 Sessions
  • 120 Attendees
  • 18 Exhibitors

Conference Announcements

General announcements, guidelines, and information for those attending, presenting and/or exhibiting in the Second Vibration Institute Middle East Conference are readily available on this page.

For any inquiries, requests and further support, please contact RITEC Here.


    Call for Papers

  March 2020 | Call for Papers for the Second Vibration Institute Middle East Conference Announced. Abstract submission deadline is July 15, 2020.

    Call for Papers

  December 2019 | Call for Papers for the Second Vibration Institute Middle East Conference Announced. Paper submission deadline is June 15, 2020.

    Call for Exhibitors

  December 2019 | Call for Exhibitors for the Second Vibration Institute Middle East Conference Announced.

    Conference Venue Announced

  December 2020 | The Second Vibration Institute Middle East Conference will be held in the period October 26-28, 2020 at the Sofitel Hotel in Cairo, Egypt.

For inquiries and support, please contact:

Conference Hotel Booking

This section will be available soon

For inquiries and support, please contact:

Contact Conference Organizers

Want to get in touch with us for more information? Please fill up the below form and our customer support team will be in contact promptly. Make sure to check the Newsletter box to stay up-to-date with the latest Vibration Insitute Middle East Conference 2020 news and updates.

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